IoT & The Risks Of Bloodsucking Vampires

IoT And Monsters
As we all know, the world of Monsters Inc. is real, and after Pixar broke the story, our lives (us monsters and you humans) have been intertwined ever since. Here, I give a talk about how I, an employee of…
The Microsoft IoT Quick Guide
1,000 Year Old Software

It was only 80 years ago that the first electronic digital computer was built, the Atanasoff-Berry Computer in 1937. And that was the first. Now, computers outnumber humans and the rate of innovation is increasing exponentially. To expect any technology from today…
The Apple Lineup Reimagined

I have in my pocket my very first and only iPhone so far: a two-year-old iPhone 6s. Apple announces a new phone every year, and just this past September 12th, 2017, they announced the iPhone X. As in, iPhone 10.…
Rowing Your Own Gears

Sarah, my wonderful wife, best friend, and insightful muse mentioned something in passing that struck me cold. “You know, it’s funny. You love the idea of autonomous cars, but you insist on driving a stick.” — Sarah Porcenaluk She’s right.…
Orlando: Poised For Tech (and IoT) Growth
Silicon Valley was born through several contributing factors intersecting, including a skilled STEM research base housed in area universities, plentiful venture capital, and steady U.S. Department of Defense spending. Stanford University leadership was especially important in the valley’s early development.…
Should You Contribute To The “Orlando Tech Community” Kickstarter?
In case you missed it, Wednesday at around 10:00 AM the Orlando community started buzzing with requests to contribute to The Orlando Tech Community Kickstarter. The campaign is a Hail Mary pass at the start of the season; they are looking…
Review: “Enchanted Objects” by David Rose
David Rose’s “Enchanted Objects” book is a great start for anyone who wants to design IoT devices for, well, people. As IoT design matures, we need to look beyond what’s possible and look more at what is actually going to…