

Casey At The Bug

The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Muddteck* team Friday: The clock stood ten to five, with one more bug left to slay, And when Cooney crashed his machine, and Barrows did the same, Management looked around to see where to place the…

Koenigsegg: A Lesson For Startups

I am a car guy. If it has means of propulsion and a go pedal, I love it. Recently, I’ve been astounded by Koenigsegg. They’ve just released the Regera, a mind-blowing hybrid “Megacar” with 1,489 horsepower. And no transmission. With plush seats and…

Bridging The Management / Programmer Gap

When I read comments from programmers on the internet, one thing that stands out is how much management matters. Good management makes the difference between people staying and people leaving, people being productive or people being smothered. Essentially, it can…